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online sessions

11th - 13th August, 18th August 

  • GBS New Way of Working : What has changed and what are the new priorities?

  • Technology taking a central piece and being led by GBS post Covid-19  

  • What are the Competencies & Potential Career Path: Let's get down to the specifics in building Finance/Global Business Services talent 

  • GBS Talent Inspiration Series: Debut session: How has your career evolved? - Get inspired by  GBS leaders


8th - 9th September 
Venue: Rekascape, Cyberjaya

  • Participate in Industry Best In Class Workshop and interact with GBS professionals from various shared services

  • Join your GBS peers for an in-depth discussion on industry best practices, with a deep dive into processes and leading-edge technology application, GBS expansion powered by technology, challenges and priorities for the future within the following pillars:​ Procure-to-pay (P2P), Order-to-cash (O2C), Record-to-report (R2R), HR shared services & Procurement shared services 

  • Workshop Agenda:​

    • Understand service catalogue of P2P, O2C, R2R, HR Shared Services and Procurement Shared Services

    • Deep dive into specific processes within the pillars above (e.g. Month end closing, employee data management)

    • Use of tech tools within the above pillars, what works and challenges faced 

    • Potential areas for expansion within the above pillars

    • Priorities going forward

online sessions

11-18 Aug

11th Aug

Welcome Address

by Joon Teoh

Chief Executive Officer, AGOS Asia

11th Aug
9:10am -

GBS New Way of Working - post pandemic : What has changed and what are the new priorities?

Amit Minocha
Intel Corporation, Penang 

Scott Paxton
Baker Hughes, Kuala Lumpur

Madeleine Roach
AstraZeneca, Kuala Lumpur 

Lyn Hadjula-Legarde
PMI, Manila




11th Aug
11:00am -


Panel Discussion

Technology taking a central piece and being led by GBS post Covid-19  

Mohd Nizam Abdul Rahim
DXC Technology, Kuala Lumpur 

Hew Wee Choong
Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)

Philip Tan
Standard Chartered Bank, Kuala Lumpur
Hazmi Yusof

Frost & Sullivan, Malaysia


12th Aug

09:00am - 


What are the Competencies & potential Career Path: Let's get down to the specifics in building Finance/Global Business Services talent
Chen Fong Tuan

Samsung Electronics
Dr. Patricia Francis 

Sanofi, Kuala Lumpur

Kim Chin Kuang
Jabil Circuit, Penang

Sam Haggag
Manpower Group, Kuala Lumpur



12th Aug
11:00am - 

How has your career evolved? – with your GBS leader
Jason Crimson 
Senior Director, GBS Kimberly Clark, Kuala Lumpur 
How Ee Pei
General Accounting Manager, Baker Hughes GFC, Kuala Lumpur 

13th Aug
09:00am - 

Intelligent RPA Automation in Finance

Pradeep Maghnani 
IBM, Kuala Lumpur

13th Aug
10:30am - 

The Data Economy – Are you prepared?
1. Data Science 101, Formation of        team & enablement required
2. Building Analytics COE for Global FSS: Simplifying data preparation via relevant tools in order to maximise effort in deriving insights from the data
Case study within FSS processes in applying data analytics capability- what benefits have been derived?

Dr. Mark Chia
David Ramsden 
Terrence Tan

British American Tobacco, Kuala Lumpur


18th Aug
10:30am - 
2.00pm -

Explore Technology application: OCR & AI
Effective & Immediate Reassessment for Finance leaders during this Challenging time with Technology


“How to start your digital transformation journey? – Intelligent Input Automation for Procurement, Accounting and HR processes”


8-9 Sept

8th Sept 
10:00am - 


Finance Procure-to-Pay

8th Sept 

Priorities post pandemic, Ambition for the future, The Good & challenges faced by GBS

8th Sept 
03:00pm - 


Finance Order-to-Cash

9th Sept 
09:00am - 


Finance Record-to-Report

9th Sept 
11:30am - 


HR Shared Services 

9th Sept 
02:00pm - 


Procurement Shared Services 

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