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venue : Le Méridien, Petaling Jaya

8.00am – 9.00am

Arrival of Guests

9.00am – 9.15am

Introduction by Joon Teoh, CEO of AGOS Asia


Growth, Evolution & Operating Model of GBS in Malaysia – Survey 2023


Enabling SSC industry leaders to understand what their peers are doing on the evolution of their SSC, with sufficient granularity in respect to strategy, operating model , talent, process efficiency & effectiveness and service management  

9.15am – 10.30am

Panel Discussion


Hearing it Straight from GBS Leaders


Value proposition of Shared services centers 


GBS continuous effort to expand, improve, stay competitive, and add value in the past decade within the Finance, Supply Chain, HR & IT Functions with an added exploration on the impact of technology in funnelling their growth trajectory.

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10.30am – 11.00am


11.00am – 11.30am

A Showcase of State-of-the-Art-GBS in Malaysia


A full GBS set up with end-to-end process ownership, technology solutions and exploration of a governance model which enhances quality of local delivery and fulfil the GBS long term vision. 



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11.30am – 12.00pm

GBS Centres Beyond Klang Valley


Who are the first movers and what are the opportunities?


Klang Valley has traditionally been the preferred location for GBS Centres, however there are other cities within Malaysia which are rapidly growing and have successfully attracted organisations to set up their GBS centres beyond the Klang Valley. 

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12.00pm – 1.15pm

Lunch Break (Lunch is Provided)

1.15pm – 1.45pm


Sustainability: Awareness & Role of GBS Functions


What are the requirements on ESG and what is the role of the Finance Team and GBS in enabling the commitment of the organisation towards ESG? 

1.45pm - 2.15pm

A Case Study from a leading Global Finance Service Centre 


Building SSC talent in a highly matured Global Finance Service Centre, infused with a new way of working with increased automation and post pandemic ways of working in collaboration with offshore centers

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2.15pm – 2.45pm

Workforce Strategy for Finance Functions and Shared Services Center with Increased Automation  


Gain perspective on the rise of automation and its influence on workforce strategy and innovation within GBS organisations. 


2.30pm – 3.00pm

2.45pm – 3.00pm


3.00pm – 4.45pm

Round Table Series 1 & Series 2


Round Table Discussion by areas of interest, facilitated by your peers


1. Specific application of Automation within a GBS scope of services- What works, what need a longer runway and what are the future opportunities? 
2. RPA, AI, Data Analytics- what competencies are expected of FSS talent and how can we build the required skillset & competencies? 
3. Center of Excellence (COE) set up within GBS Centres- scope, governance, structure and key successes/challenges thus far. 
4. Implementing initiatives aimed at driving cost & working capital optimization while simultaneously enhancing service level excellence. 
5. Trending top topics and industry practises for P2P, O2C and R2R leaders
6. Key Success Factors that contribute to the successful implementation of a new start-up Shared Services Centre. 
7. GBS Scorecard- necessity to be "green" vs a line of sight to the overall business objectives. Designing an insightful performance scorecard for captive GBS- the what, why and how.

8. How Digital Transformation is reshaping the evolution of the P2P Payments landscape.
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4.45pm – 5.00pm

Closing Remarks 


by Joon Teoh, CEO of AGOS Asia  

* Agenda maybe subject to change and will be updated where relevant

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